
Project “CArpet bowls foR everyonE / CARE Grant Agreement Number: 622461-EPP-1-2020-1-LV-SPO-SSCP is a European project developed within the framework of the ERASMUS + SPORT program action Small Collaborative Partnerships.

The coordinator of the project is Kekava Municipality Sport Agency (Latvia).

The project involves partners from five countries: Latvia, Italy, Turkey, Norway and Denmark. Partner organizations represent different type of organizations – public entities, associations, sport clubs, etc.

CARE – CArpet bowls foR everyonE! Addresses the topics in accordance with the EU decision on promotion of traditional European games and sports in combination with resolution Sport for all: a bridge to equality, integration and social inclusion.

The goals are to increase the number of citizens who regularly engage in recreational activities, to encourage intergenerational cooperation between young and senior citizens. Besides, project encourages social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.

The project aims to reintroduce traditional carpet bowls game into the daily lives of people of all ages as a remedy to tackle social challenges of today – physical inactivity and social inclusion. Carpet bowls is a public health sport combining physical activity and social fellowship. Carpet Bowls is a variant of lawn balls played indoors. The game is originating in England. The game has taken over stable place in Scandinavia where it is played and practised actively in Norway and Denmark. The game involves rolling a half-kilo special bowl with the center of gravity being off-center. This allows it to roll in a curve. The bowls are thrown on a 10 meter long carpet. At the end of the carpet lies target ball (Jack). The goal is to make the closest hot to the Jack. In the middle of the carpet is a block that the bowl must pass, but not touch. Two teams play against each other. You can play on teams of 4,3,2 persons and the opportunity for solo games. Carpet Bowls is a sport for health:

  • Carpet Bowls motivates for physical activity in a fun way;
  • Carpet Bowls is a social activity that everyone can participate in;
  • You can throw standing, sitting or kneeing;
  • There is an activity where you walk approx. 2000 steps during a two hour session;
  • Carpet Bowls stimulates balance, coordination and concentration;
  • Physical activity and social interaction are good health effects of Carpet Bowls.